5 Steps To Grow Your Confidence

  1. Move Like A Predator

  • Predators in the wild go from slow to explosive and from explosive to slow.

    They go with their own flow.

    If others are moving one way they will follow at their own pace or make their own path.

    So Try This:

  • If you are in a situation where you normally feel quiet and small.

    Take a few quick breaths to energize yourself!'

  • If you are in a situation where you normally feel gittery and ready to go or speak.

    Stop, Take in a deep breath and open your body.

    This will help you slow down.

    In other words, move like a predator depending on the situation.

2. Take Charge Of Group

A confident person makes others feel welcome and wanted regardless of the group.

Try this out:

  • If someone walks into a room you’re in get up and greet them head on.

  • If some one wants to join your group, but hasn’t been able to and is just living on the edge of your group.

    Face them with your whole body and interact with them.

If you take the time to make others feel comfortable and wanted when joining in, take charge of adding others to the group, you will look like the leader of the group.

Weather you are or you aren’t really.

Now taking charge and stepping in for others, regardless of what others say,

will give off a strong confident vibe to the rest of the group.

3. Be Honest

We’ve all heard it before,


And guess what? Its true.

Most people will tell small lies here and there in order to protect themselves.

Which is totally understandable.

No one likes to be singled out or made fun of.

But that’s not what confident people do.

If you want to give off strong confident vibes try this:

  • If you have a nerdy hobby, don’t hide it or tell people lies about it.

    Tell others about it with enthusiasm

    Embrace it with pride.

  • If you have an embarrassing story be honest and light hearted about it.

Show them that you’re not worried about what they might think about you.

This will give off strong confident vibes and make you seem more likeable.

People tend to gravitate to open, fearless, honest, who will protect them and won’t make fun of them.

Showing them that you are vulnerable, through honesty and that you don’t care.

Will help them see you as super confident and likeable.

4. Think Before Reacting

On a daily basis, we are bombarded with people and events that cause us to stress and lose our minds.

But regardless of what happens

We have to remember to:

  • Stay calm.

  • Not React.

  • Think.

  • Then React.

A confident person doesn’t jump to to action in the midst of action.

They pause take in what’s happening, their environment, their feelings and then choose their best possible course of action.

Now I know this might be hard to do.

Strong emotions like anger, frustration, fear sadness, loneness take over us and lead us to do or say things we might regret later.

But we have to remember to:

  • Stay calm.

  • Not React.

  • Think.

  • Then React.

If we want to be a confident, strong person.

Now keep this in mind.

Reflect on what your triggers may be, whether these be people, places, words, images, etc. Doesn’t matter.

Find out what they are and write them down.

This will help you prepare and be ready for when you next encounter them.

Not to mention,

this will also help you make your core more resilient to your specific trigger.

5. Practice

Confidence is a skill just like any other

and just like with any other skill,

practicing it hones it.

So practice it every time you get a chance.

The more you practice it the better and stronger your inner confidence will be.


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