5 Easy Ways To Create Chemistry With Anyone


In all conversations there is usually one person who takes the lead.

Whenever they talk, others listen, when they laugh others follow.

They seem to dictate the vibe of the group and at the same time ride it.

They are the focus of the group indirectly and directly.

But how do they do it?

Well, It’s all about Chemistry.


Here is how you can get some.

  1. Start High and Positive

This means start your conversations with:

  • High energy compliments

  • Unique words

  • Happier Voice Tone

  • 20% volume increase

  • Positive facial features (i.e. show them that you couldn’t be happier with your face)

  • Open body ( don’t cross your arms or legs)

The goal here is to go into your conversations radiating positivity, openness, and to show people that they matter to you.

You want to be contagious.

Be the person you would die to be around with!

People tend to feed off the most powerful energy, let that be your positive energy.

2. Create A Safe Environment For People To Open Up

In all honesty, in my experience this is the key to building chemistry.

When we feel safe with someone or a group, we tend to let loose.

Feeling safe, lets us relax and open up.

The more we open up to someone or a group, the stronger our emotional connection is with them.


Because we feel safe with them.

So how do we do it?

Here are the key Points:

  • Listen more than you talk

  • Ask them open ended questions

  • Remember details about their lives

  • Support them

  • Acknowledge their achievements

3. Lean Back Body Language

Now, I have said in the past, that in order to show interest in someone you should lean in as they speak.

But here’s the thing.

Its like a dance.

Starting out begin by leaning back.

Make your body seem open and relaxed.

You want to show the other person or group that you are comfortable and secure of yourself.

Then use the lean in, in order to make it clear that you are focused on them when they are talking

Then lean back when they finish.

Like I said, its like a dance.

You just got to practice and you’ll get better at it.

4. Be Playfully

Lastly be playful with them.

Everyone likes to laugh.

Not to mention that laughter helps us release stress and make us build stronger bonds.

But how do I do it?

Here is how:

  • Call yourself out, tease yourself

  • Misinterpret what they are saying wildly

  • Assume something absurd about them

  • Call them out for being cliché

Just an FYI,

Remember no one likes being made fun of. So be cautious with the teasing.

If anything, tease yourself first before anyone else. and go after everyone on clichés, misinterpretations and wild assumptions.

Nothing personal.

Unless you want to be alone…

5. Just Vibe

These are just things to keep in mind and practice.

So when you go out there,

Just relax, keep in mind what your read here and just vibe.

Don’t get in your head.

Just vibe.


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