Are You Ready For a Pet?


Here is the thing guys, pets are expensive… In all aspects they are children. So be fore you go and adopt one or two for your roommates, valentines, a birthday or whatever. Stop and check this out!

*FYI this is not a sponsor post. Its just a great resource.

There are plenty of guides and online cost calculators to help you figure out if you can afford a pet or not.

So I am not going to sit here and try to write you another one.

Especially when a great one already exists.

The best one by far that I have ever seen is by The Simple Dollar.

They give you a run down of all the possible costs that you will or might encounter when adopting a pet.

Then they give you a simple to use calculator so that you can adopt it to your pet and exact choices.

So here’s their link, The Simple Dollar.

But look pets are for the long run. If you get a pet, you’re making a commitment for life. For as long as they live, they are your responsibility. Not till you get bored, you move, you break up, or can’t afford it at the moment.

If you’re in college please don’t. I have seen way to many adopt and then replace. I am tired of seeing puppies and kittens getting returned because their ‘‘pet parents’’ are moving or done with college. That’s ridiculous.

So if you’re in college and thinking of getting a pet. Just don’t. They are not a vibe, they are not a photo prop, they are not a cute thing to have. They are a serious commitment.


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